Hereditary power, power seized by the manipulation of earthly desires. Feuds inflamed and hatreds stoked. Class and caste. The domination of the weak. The rape of chaste justice. This figure contains all of these worldly crimes.
The vicious, black triangles—are they blades? fangs? the wicked barbs of spears?—can only be the instruments of a state made mad by its own power. Whether interpreted as police badge or military medal, the statement the figure makes is the same: You Must Submit. The negative shape in the center is nothing more than a new “crooked cross,” an antiseptic swastika. You Will Submit. Note the “talons” surrounding this icon. Their purpose is to remind the people that they can be removed. They can be plucked from the crowd. And within the sea of the State, every drop is invisible. Submit.
The wise practice obedience through resistance.