Removed from the First Cause, the families of Effect, these ripples, draw us outward. Like the dazzle on water obscures and tempts us toward a belief in That Which Is Not. Or the reflection in a mirror, pomp and ceremony. They clothe us in the regalia of the crowned child.
Ultimately, this is where symbol loses its luster and referrent achieves a clarity previously thought impossible. In this way, the crucate figure in the center is seen as the foundational element. Around it, beyond it, visual echoes are feeble attempts at "explanation." Yet nothing needs explanation. Nothing adequately serves. And, here, each successive argument is more dilute—the angled forms, the cutting black blades. Insubstantial and pale, a dissipating spirit. Which renders the enterprise irrelevant, a distraction from the object of adoration. In paradoxical splendor, this brings the object into greater focus. And isn't this more properly called prayer?
The seed need not grow to be the seed it is.