The eye of a storm, a whirlpool that drags men under, the ring of fire. These circular motifs are bearers of tragedy. Beware those who liken life itself unto a circle.
The falsity of the metaphor is apparent, and the figure underscores this conclusion. The cycle—with its endless repetition of anthropocentric stages and achievements—bears no resemblance to the true nature of existence. Redemption is a destination, not a way-station. The circle admits no endpoint, hence, no final reward. Time, like grace, is an arrow, and it points only one way. It is bestowed, not merely experienced. The past might be prologue; regardless, it will ever remain past. The only wheel with the power presumed by this figure is the wheel upon which the disbeliever’s body was broken that his soul might be mended.
Hell is a circle. Salvation is a lifeline.
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